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A deep dive into the Stack widget in Flutter

March 23, 2022

If there’s one thing that Flutter is known for, it’s the incredible amount of widgets that it comes with. All these widgets help developers get the exact look they’re after with as little effort as possible.

In this post, we’ll looking at a widget that every Flutter developer should be aware of: the Stack widget.

Here, we can see a sample of what kind of layout we could achieve with a Stack widget in our app.

An example of a layout you could achieve with Stack (Photo from Sarah Dorweller at Unsplash)

For this app, we see an image in the center, and then two other images either side. The images to the left and right are sized a little bit smaller, and they are placed behind the image in the middle.

Essentially, these widgets are stacked on top of each other, and it gives the user a clear sense of what we want them to focus on.

Through effective use of the Stack widget in an application, we can communicate depth to the user and create some fairly complex layout without a lot of work.

How does a Stack widget work?

To demonstrate what a stack widget does, let’s first look at how a Column lays out its children. In this simple example, we have five containers that are laid out with progressively higher widths and heights:

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
  return Scaffold(
    body: Column(
      children: [
          (index) => Container(
            width: index * 50 + 50,
            height: index * 50 + 50,
            color: Color.fromRGBO(index * 20, index * 20, index * 40, 1.0),

This code results in the following:

Now, if we replace the Column widget with a Stack widget, it becomes this instead:

Instead of the widgets being laid out on the vertical axis, they are stacked on top of each other. This is beneficial when we want our widgets to be on top of each other, and not top-to-bottom or left-to-right.

We can also see that widgets are rendered from the bottom up. In our example, the biggest widget renders at the bottom of the stack, and the smaller widget is placed on top, and so on and so forth.

Child widgets are aligned to the top left by default, and the Stack resizes to fit all the children, meaning it will be as big as our biggest child widget.

Alignment and fit

Sometimes, if we place a smaller widget inside a bigger widget, it’s more aesthetically pleasing to align all the children to the center.

If we want to align our widgets to the center for visual appeal, we can align our child widgets within the Stack to the center. To accomplish this, it’s as easy as setting the alignment property in our Stack to, like so:

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Scaffold(
      body: Stack(
        alignment:, // Center children in the Stack
        children: [
            (index) => Container(
              width: index * 50 + 50,
              height: index * 50 + 50,
              color: Color.fromRGBO(index * 20, index * 20, index * 40, 1.0),

This centers all the children in the Stack to the relative center, like so:

Because we haven’t centered the Stack yet, it remained in the top left corner. Instead we’ve just centered the widgets that are inside the Stack.

We can also use the fit parameter to define whether our stack should expand to fill the parent widget, or whether it should pass through the fit of child objects directly to the children in the Stack.

Broadly speaking, these only apply in more advanced layout scenarios, so we should be fine leaving the fit as StackFit.loose, which is the default.

We can also position widgets within the stack itself by using Positioned. If we add a Container with a blue background, place some text in it, and position it at the bottom center, the widget lays out accordingly within the bounds of the Stack.

Our code then becomes this:

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Scaffold(
      body: Stack(
        alignment:, // Center children in the Stack
        children: [
            (index) => Container(
              width: index * 50 + 50,
              height: index * 50 + 50,
              color: Color.fromRGBO(index * 20, index * 20, index * 40, 1.0),
          // The second child positions the container at the very bottom
          // of the parent Stack.
            left: 0,
            right: 0,
            bottom: 0,
            child: Container(
              child: Text(
                "Yay for LogRocket!",
                style: Theme.of(context).textTheme.headline5!.copyWith(
                      color: Colors.white,

This gives us the following result, where the children within the Stack are centered, and our Container is aligned to the very bottom, as per the padding we specified in the left, top, and right parameters.

A complete demo of the code used to lay out the above [Stack]( can be found here.

Clipping behaviour

We can also use Stack to accomplish some great looking layouts of our application without using the lower-level drawing functions.

We can do this by positioning our widgets outside of our Stack by using a Position widget, and then specifying a negative number for the appropriate direction (such as bottom or right).

If we place a container outside of the Stack, we can see that the Stack clips our overflowing widget by default.

We can also tell our Stack not to clip the overflowing widgets by specifying clipBehaviour: Clip.none, in case we want the widgets to continue rendering outside the bounds of the Stack.

Practical Stack usages

It’s great to see colored boxes on top of each other, but when would we actually use a Stack in your Flutter app?

Stacking widgets on top of each other has a variety of usages, but two main areas where they are used is when specifying a widget’s position within a container, or show another widget that must be in the foreground.

To demonstrate this, let’s make an app that shows us pictures of cats and gives us the option to add or remove them from our favorites. It will also always show us the total of how many cats we have in our favorites list.

Here’s what the finished product looks like:

Our app above has a Stack that contains both a PageView and a Container. The PageView contains five pictures of cats and a styled cover sheet while the Container shows how many favorited cats there are, and gives the user the option of clicking next instead of swiping.

The Container is also nested within a Positioned widget to make it appear down the bottom right of the screen. It also has the appropriate padding so when the Snack Bar shows, it doesn’t overlap the buttons.

As we can see, the two buttons and the total amount of cats that we favorited remain visible even when we interact with the PageView directly underneath:

        children: [
            onPageChanged: (page) {
              setState(() {
                showFavouriteButton = page > 0;
            controller: _controller,
            children: [
                decoration: BoxDecoration(
                    gradient: LinearGradient(
                  begin: Alignment.topLeft,
                  end: Alignment.bottomCenter,
                  colors: [
                child: Center(
                    child: Text(
                  "Look at these great cats!",
                  style: Theme.of(context).textTheme.headline3,
                (e) =>
            bottom: 50,
            right: 0,
            child: Column(
              children: [
                  padding: const EdgeInsets.all(16.0),
                  child: Container(
                    padding: EdgeInsets.all(16),
                    decoration: BoxDecoration(borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(12), color:,
                    child: Column(
                      children: [
                        Text("Total Favourite Cats"),
                  children: [
                      padding: const EdgeInsets.all(8.0),
                      child: AnimatedOpacity(
                        duration: Duration(milliseconds: 500),
                        opacity: showFavouriteButton ? 1 : 0,
                        child: FloatingActionButton(
                          onPressed: () {
                            setState(() {
                              if (favourites.contains(catImages[!.floor() - 1])) {
                                favourites.remove(catImages[!.floor() - 1]);
                                    content: Text("You removed this cat from your favorites."),
                              } else {
                                favourites.add(catImages[!.floor() - 1]);
                                    content: Text("You added this cat to your favorites."),
                          child: Icon(Icons.favorite),
                      padding: const EdgeInsets.all(8.0),
                      child: FloatingActionButton(
                        onPressed: () {
                          _controller.nextPage(duration: Duration(milliseconds: 500), curve: Curves.fastOutSlowIn);
                        child: Icon(Icons.navigate_next),

We also see that the widgets in the foreground, like the buttons and the favorites counter, respond to the tap events and don’t pass these through to the widgets underneath.

Where there are no widgets in the foreground, our touch events pass through to the PageView behind.

You can view the full code for this project here.

Using IndexedStack

A close relative to the Stack widget is the IndexedStack widget. This widget is the same as the Stack widget, but it allows us to specify what item in the Stack we actually want to show.

This makes it a great fit for apps where we want to show one certain widget at a time, as it maintains the state for each child.

If we have an app that has a home screen, a settings screen, and a favorites screen, we can set the current widget to show in our setState method and easily change between widgets as we need.


The Stack widget is an essential widget in any Flutter developers’ toolkit, and I hope this article has helped you to get started with it 🙌.

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